Nervous System Fitness® for Leaders 



You can live, create, perform, and lead from a place of deep inner sustainability, alignment, and joy.

Status quo “bro-formance” culture may spark productivity… but it leads you straight into a wall of burnout, dissatisfaction, and, dysfunction. Extractive cultures perpetuate and ignore trauma. 


Get                In Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Breaking ground shouldn't break you.

When you are up to big things, healing trauma isn’t optional.

Trauma wreaks havoc in your life, sabotages your results, and holds you back. You must identify and dismantle the broken inner and outer systems to usher in the new. When we liberate the body, mind and spirit, our impact multiplies.


shows up as...








Fatigue & Burnout


Brain Fog

Chronic Pain

GI Dysfunction



Your journey of healing IS your journey of initiation into the next phase of leadership. You’re here BY DESIGN and what you do with it will form and inform your legacy. 

You simply cannot create from this place without compromising your impact. 

Impactful Leadership

starts with inner alignment & harmony

Are you living, creating, and leading from alignment or exhaustion? 

Is your body, mind, and spirit in harmonious collaboration or conflict?

so here's a question...

Regulated, resourced,
and resilient 

focused, and clear

Open, compassionate,
and courageous

Aligned Body

Aligned Heart

Aligned Mind

When you attune and align your whole being with systems of harmony, regeneration, and liberation, you achieve vitality, fulfillment, and freedom. 

 Creating from a place of deep alignment and harmony, you 

This journey of growth and becoming is not only necessary, but essential to the next phase of your visionary leadership. 

We can only hold, nurture, and guide a vision as refined as our level of resilience. Together, we stretch your capacity to expand your imagination, perception, and impact. 

Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out in a broken and extractive system is a healthy response.

It's       You


unlock the alchemy of easeful and joyful co-creation with the universe.



Grow your competitive edge and succeed in a rapidly changing world, by breaking your emotional glass ceiling and mastering resilient leadership. 

Reclaim your joy by liberating yourself from outdated beliefs and extractive systems that leave you drained, stressed, anxious, and stuck.

Effectively navigate leadership challenges with competence, wisdom, and grace. 

Access and integrate your body wisdom to supercharge your intuition, creativity, and impact. 

Heal and harmonize your body, mind, and spirit in service to your mission.

Tap into a sustainable inner well of regenerative vitality, focus, and performance.

Maximize your impact by learning the alchemy of joyful, aligned co-creation with the universe.

I bring a heart-centered and grounded presence, depth, joy, beauty, and multi-modality expertise - with a magical wink - in service to your vitality, fulfillment, and freedom.

When you work with me – the full spectrum of my care, expertise, resources, knowledge, and network of vetted healers and advisors is available to you.

I serve as not only your mentor and coach, but also your healer, guide, confidant, cheerleader, and ally. Together we’ll stretch your capacity for growth, resilience, and courage. Let’s break the barriers and re-imagination what you can accomplish. 

You can hire multiple therapists, coaches, and healers. Or you can join me for the transformational journey of a lifetime. 

new frontier

A                       in leadership support

My 1:1 process is...

Rooted in Science

Illuminated with HeArt

Marinated in Wisdom

Supercharged with Magic

Infused with Humor

Backed by Data


I believe

a regulated and resourced nervous system is the greatest gift we can offer the world 

impact multiplies when body, mind, and soul are in harmony and energetic congruence with our mission

more than self-development we need self-dismantlement; an undressing of sorts to return home to ourselves

plant medicines hold the codes for accelerated human evolution

the parts we’d rather hide are the parts that hold the keys to our greatest gifts

feeling overwhelmed in an overwhelming world is a sign of health 

impact starts with inner health and harmony

breakthrough innovation and leadership is leaving old-paradigm performance culture in the past. Right where it belongs 

We’re a good match if…

You are done spinning your wheels and are ready to do what it takes to get unstuck and soar to new heights

Your soul has been craving deep, loving, and transformational support

You are ready to grow your competitive edge and master resilience in an unpredictable world 

You understand that it takes time, commitment, patience, and investment to deprogram decades of dysfunctional programming

You are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and are ready for change

You are done with ineffective systems, therapists, coaches, and quick “fix-it” programs and retreats

You are ready to go big, play big, and daringly thrive

you have found your ally for life. 

If so...

I take great care and intention to craft and hold a loving, potent, and joyful container catered specifically to each client’s unique nervous system and goals.

My signature process, the Impact Harmonics™ system is designed to attune, calibrate, and align the body, mind, and spirit to function in harmonious cohesion in service to your impactful mission.




bio-data tracking, psychedelic microdosing, comprehensive personalized optimization protocols, pharmaceutical detox.

Integrative Personalized Medicine:

Resilience Toolbox, TRE Method, Safe & Sound Protocol, Breathwork, PolyVagal Training, Vagus Nerve Training, Trauma-Informed Care.

Nervous System Therapeutics:

Befriending Discomfort, Postural Alchemy, Body Intimacy, Pain Body Decoded, Leadership Somatics. 

Embodied Leadership:

Alignment Actualized, Self-Dismantlement For Sovereign Leaders, Essential Leadership Wisdom, Regenerative Life Design.

Spiritual Advisory:





"I came to Anahita after many years of trying various resources to heal my trauma and I kept reverting back to old habits & methods. After my first 30-minute consult with Anahita, I knew I was headed in the right direction for long-term healing. Anahita has a fantastic presence about her that completely makes one feel safe, supported & truly heard. She has an energy about her that is contagious & sparks curiosity for the better. I loved her approach to healing & feel like she has left a very lasting impact on my life for the better."

– Molly Frier
Founder, Key & Commons

"Anahita is loving, inspiring, uplifting, and warm, but also resolute, determined, practical, and effective. Before working with her, I felt overwhelmed by the demands of my life and work. Our work together helped me shift how I perceive and respond to states of overwhelm and stress. She is the supportive and compassionate voice counteracting the harsh inner judge. She has validated my sense that being a lawyer does not have to be this consuming, but that we are up against a system that completely failed to support women. She fills that gap.”

– Daphne Delvaux
Trial Attorney & Founder at The Mamattorney

– J.A.
Orthopedic Surgeon

"I am a physician who had been suffering with severe complex PTSD. With the help of Anahita and Microdosing psilocybin, I was able to better understand PTSD and the disconnection between my mind and my body. Anahita helped me return to my body and begin to heal my past traumas, regulate my emotions and have hope for better future."

"I was led into Anahita's services because of chronic back pain and I was struggling to solve the problem. I was resistant to paying money for therapy but learning a little about polyvagal theory set off a chain reaction within me, recognizing the root of many of my problems, emotional and physical were rooted in trauma.

I refused to think of myself as a victim of trauma, and that proud attitude was preventing me from paying attention to my body and its needs. I am powerful and resilient but healing is a natural and necessary part of life and I rarely gave it the time and attention it deserved.

– Andrew Shepherd
President at Converging Perspectives

"I was led into Anahita's services because of chronic back pain and I was struggling to solve the problem. I was resistant to paying money for therapy but learning a little about polyvagal theory set off a chain reaction within me, recognizing the root of many of my problems, emotional and physical were rooted in trauma.

I refused to think of myself as a victim of trauma, and that proud attitude was preventing me from paying attention to my body and its needs. I am powerful and resilient but healing is a natural and necessary part of life and I rarely gave it the time and attention it deserved.

– Andrew Shepherd
President at Converging Perspectives

Anahita was very attentive, perceptive, brilliant really, and could relate to my issues. Every session was powerful and moved the needle--cognitions, tears, and blocked energy moving through my body. Trauma Release Therapy became real to me. 

The body doesn't lie or make up stories of trauma to chase indefinitely. It simply shows you what you are feeling and by paying attention to it, it begins to heal itself. There may be stories attached to it that represent the trauma in homunculus form, and we address them, but the body alone tells you where the trauma is and how to heal and release those stories.

Becoming conscious of our natural system allows for it to overcome pain and imbalances to find harmony again."