


in service to harmony, liberation, and impact

I’m also a paradox, a shape-shifter, magician, wisdom carrier, survivor and healer. I’m the byproduct of a surreal life; a daughter of a child-laborer-turned-fashion-designer for the red carpet crowd. An Iranian-political-activist-turned-refugee. Tech-leader-turned-medicine-woman.

The           of reinvention runs in my blood.


I vehemently resist definition, because                    doesn’t stay within the lines.

Nervous System Fitness® Coach, Psychedelic Guide,
and Wisdom Keeper

I'm Anahita



I’ve survived Iranian jail cells, escaped to the refugee camps in Austria. I found my stride in the UCLA lecture halls. I spent years studying with master Shamans in the Amazonian jungle. From the board room, to the joy-infused dust of Burning Man, I’ve enjoyed the deep honor and privilege to live, experience, love, win, lose, dare, and thrive in this magnificent wilderness of a ride.

In fact, I fought tooth-and-nail to maintain my comfortable status quo, but life had other plans. Following a near death accident in the Peruvian Amazon in 2013, I found my body ravaged by debilitating pain which doctors had no answers to. My three-year quest to find a solution delivered me to mind-body medicine as I began to unpack decades of trauma, survival patterns, and false belief systems that were holding my nervous system hostage. 

I didn’t choose this path.

This path chose me.

a vibrant life



Soon I began to realize that those most likely to develop burnout and stress-induced illnesses share a unique nervous system profile...

In 2016, I took a break from my career to tend to my health and never looked back. 

As I healed my own body out of permanent disability, I dedicated years to studying trauma, resilience, neuroscience, pain, and mental health integrative medicine.

They also tend to be courageous, intelligent and compassionate. They are leaders who usher in the next phase of impactful solutions, the kind that must be well-equipped to lead humanity during these pivotal times.

This is the path that delivered me here to serve as a force for healing, inspiration, justice, and wisdom. 

Since then, I have unified and integrated my formal studies with my extensive experience in intentional and ceremonial practice and facilitation of psychedelic medicines in service to vitality, fulfillment, and freedom for impact leaders and conscious couples.

Why conscious couples? Because relationship challenges have a massive impact on our resilience and well-being, and our world needs more leaders who are connected to their heart and nurtured by harmonious love. Because when we create from harmony and love, our impact is multiplied.


Living, loving, and growing in harmonious union with my beloved

The art of making the mundane extraordinary

Making music on the charango, santur, daf, and rav drum

Witnessing people blossom in my practice 

Ecstatic blissful dancing

Cultivating community through the Harmonious Hearts Supper Club 

Stretching my capacity for love 

Reading, learning, growing, wisening, ripening… 

Humor as medicine 

Hot yoga before sunrise

Beauty in all forms- comes with territory! I am the daughter of two fashion designers! :)

what brings me to

In service to harmony within and without

“Harmony is the source of manifestation, the cause of its existence, and the medium between God and man.”

- Hazrat Inayat Khan



Trainings & Certifications in:
 • Mental Health Integrative Medicine through Dr. Leslie Korn
 • Trauma Release Therapy through TRE® Los Angeles
 • Safe & Sound Protocol Therapy through Dr. Stephen Porges 
 • PolyVagal Theory in Therapy through Deb Dana
 • Health and Wellness Coaching For Chronic Pain by
   Take Courage Coaching

Sixteen years of traditional plant medicine practice and facilitation

Founder & Chief Editor at 

Faculty member at The Plant Spirit School 

Founding Board Member at the Church Of Munay

A decade of leadership in the tech industry 

B.A. in Political Science with Latin Honors from UCLA

With deep gratitude to my influences

I have had the honor and privilege of studying with; Dr. Stephen Porges, Deb Dana, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. David Bercelli, Nkem Ndefo, and Dr. Leslie Korn, spiritual teachers Ishmiel Lounsbury and Don Jose Campos. With special gratitude to my teachers in spirit; Sufi masters Mevlevî Rumi, Hafiz, and Hazrat Inayat Khan, as well as Dr. John Sarno, Lama Rod Owens, Berné Brown, Maya Angelou, Jeff Brown, and David Whyte. 


"It wasn't just the safe and loving way Anahita facilitated us through each practice, but the profoundly practical ways she has to foster deeper intimacy in our relationship-to ourselves and each other.

Anahita is a true master and my new relationship guru! Harmonious Hearts is the missing piece in relationship coaching conversations."

– Galit Rydall

"Surviving life-threatening cancer, divorce and career adjustment created a lot of trauma/anxiety within me. I was referred to Anahita through a friend and to say that interaction helped save my life is not me being hyperbolic. Anahita developed a program to specifically address my issues and the results have been truly wonderful. I now have a platform of skills, and resources that help keep me balanced, living within the moment (knowing we all struggle at times), and enjoying life. I'm beyond grateful.”

"The experience I have had with Anahita coaching me through the past few months has been unbelievable. I've learned how to breathe, relieve back pain and tension, and how to microdose for mental and physical health. 

The experience has been out of this world. I strongly recommend anyone to use her services for significant and lasting results. She is caring, understanding, and most of all an amazing counselor."

– David Kaplan, Biotech Executive 

– Neil Nunweiler CEO, DMT Business Group