For Leaders & Conscious Couples

Nervous System Fitness®

with psychedelics

Whether you're on a journey to reclaim vitality of the body, mind, heart, or spirit, harmony is the key that unlocks your deepest transformation. 

Your nervous system health is the very foundation upon which you build your vitality, fulfillment, and freedom. Where there is unhealed dysfunction and trauma, your health, relationship, and impact suffer. 

As you begin to cultivate deep inner-harmony, your health is restored, your impact multiplied, and your relationship begins to thrive; because a regulated nervous system opens up access to your heart, your wisdom, and your greatest gifts.

My unique programs are designed to heal and resource the nervous system through empowering you with cutting-edge tools, skills, and insights that support your long-term well-being, alignment, and joy. 

If you're serious about transforming your life and legacy and are ready to invest time and resources to embark on the journey of a lifetime, I invite you to explore my offerings and apply to work together. 


is your legacy                        

Impact Harmonics

Nervous System Fitness® For Leaders

A unique and transformative container for private 1:1 advisory, multi-modality therapy, cutting-edge integrative health, and coaching specifically designed for leaders in high-stress and high-stake positions. Science-based, data-driven, life-altering.

Private Retreats, Guided Psychedelic Experiences, Online Sessions.

Harmonious Hearts

Nervous System Fitness® For Couples

A unique program for conscious couples to heal, grow, and thrive in love through devotion to one another's nervous system. Deepen heart connection, overcome past trauma, learn harmonious communication strategies, deepen intimacy, and transform your partnership. 

Private Retreats, Guided Psychedelic Experiences, Online Sessions.

Integrative Microdosing

Nervous System Fitness® with Psychedelics

Expert-crafted comprehensive microdosing solutions designed to optimize brain functions in service to creativity, positive behavioral change, and emotional well-being. Private coaching and Personalized Protocols customized for your specific needs, including pharmaceutical detox. 

Online Sessions, Self-Guided Options. 

Private Rituals & Retreats

Expansive Renewal Experiences 

Masterfully crafted and facilitated experiences that deliver massive transformation in the body, heart, and spirit. Rituals for grief, renewal, healing, and heart-opening; powered by modern science, ancient wisdom, psychedelic medicines, and live music.

Individual, Couples, and Private Groups.

Speaking & Facilitation

Collaborations & Creative Magic

Book me as a speaker or facilitator for your next transformational event or podcast: I offer a variety of talks, experiences, workshops, and retreats catered to leaders, conscious couples, and teams geared toward Nervous System Fitness® and Emotional Agility with or without psychedelics. 

In addition, I advise psychedelic companies from biotech to educational institutions on ethics, social impact, and curriculum development. I currently serve as an instructor for training certified psychedelic professionals. 


"I’m so glad I made the investment of working with Anahita. She is deeply knowledgeable and highly organized. I learned so much from her Nervous System Coaching that has changed how I move through the world. Having her empathic kind presence hold me in a 12 week structure of learning new habits, plus the nootropic protocol she designed for me, brought me out of a late-winter depression cycle into a solid state of resilient quite joy. Thank you Anahita!"

– Vanda M.
Executive Coach 

"A Trustworthy Ally and Embodied Visionary Leader, Anahita is a true mentor and guide. Passionate about what she teaches, she is engaging, warm, wise, genuine, and caring. The tools, practices, and resources she shares are life-changing and the perspective shifts she catalyzes can be truly illuminating.  The value of what Anahita teaches is immeasurable and extends far beyond the parameters of her courses.”

– Nadine Shelly
Somatic & Expressive Arts Therapist

"I came into this not sure there was anything new to learn, and was continuously blown away by the deep wisdom and masterful coaching that Anahita brought. It truly rocked my world, stretched my mind, and gave me a whole new framework for understanding my nervous system and triggers--as well as my partners. Harmonious Hearts is the work the world is waiting for."

- Derek Rydall
Author, Emergence, The Abundance Project,