Expansive Renewal Experiences 




From time to time we find ourselves overwhelmed by the demands of our lives, feeling like we're moving from one motion to the next; disconnected, uninspired, and exhausted. 

Living our fast-paced lifestyles, we often lose touch with the part of ourselves that is joyful, creative, and fully engaged in our lives. Crowded by the noise and busyness, we struggle to listen, tend, and honor the very voice that holds the key to our inner-most healing, liberation, and fulfillment. 

Sacred Rituals have long been utilized to repair, restore, and revitalize our connection to ourselves, nature, and Spirit. Whether with or without sacred medicines, rituals of grief, renewal, and healing are powerful vehicles for soul-nourishing transformation.  

If your soul is craving to be deeply held in a loving, healing, and inspirational space with masterful facilitation; I invite you to connect with me to see if you're a candidate for this type of work. 

Available for couples, individuals, and private groups. 

When your
is craving healing and expansion


No matter what the question,

Heart-Opening Ceremonies
Visionary Journeys
Couples Retreats
Grief Rituals

In Service
to Your


Safety is at the core of our capacity to heal and thrive. I create loving, safe, and masterfully facilitated experiences catered to each client's specific needs. 

I have had the honor of spending the past 16 years in service to plant medicines from community cultivation to facilitation, serving as a founding board member of a sacred medicine church, as well as a faculty member for certification programs for psychedelic integration professionals. 

I have been privileged to study with renowned teachers from the Amazonian jungles to Sufi masters, musical teachers, and trauma experts which continue to form and inform my path as a healer, guide, and facilitator. 

If you're seeking massive transformation, expert facilitation and integration, I invite you to connect with me to explore the possibilities. My ideal clients are impact leaders, changemakers, and conscious couples. 


is always a great answer.

Expansion. Integration. Transformation.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

- Mevlana Rumi



Private Group Experiences

Private Individual Retreats

Private Couples Rituals

Private Workshops


“Anahita is a consummate professional. I felt safe and deeply cared for and especially appreciated the healing nature of her musical gifts. She has a deep wisdom nurtured by years of unique life experience that informs everything she does. And leaves you a better human because of it. So grateful."

– Greg Casserly
CEO, Tarsadia

"A Trustworthy Ally and Embodied Visionary Leader, Anahita is a true mentor and guide. Passionate about what she teaches, she is engaging, warm, wise, genuine, and caring. The tools, practices, and resources she shares are life-changing and the perspective shifts she catalyzes can be truly illuminating. The value of what Anahita teaches is immeasurable and extends far beyond the parameters of her courses.”

"My experience with Anahita was absolutely profound. I give Anahita my highest level of recommendation if you choose to take this journey. She embodies the wisdom and integration that will spearhead your continued path. I have a completely new team health protocol in my corporate career, inspiration for how to help solve some of the world's biggest problems."

– Nadine Shelly Somatic & Expressive Arts Therapist

– Michelle Berry
Corporate Account Executive, Google