through Nervous System Fitness® & Psychedelics


Your nervous system health and fitness are the foundation of a creative, fulfilling, and impactful life.  

Yet a significant majority of us received little to no education on how to effectively navigate our emotional terrain. 


Nervous System

When you master your emotional responses, every aspect of your life begins to blossom and thrive. 

Whether you're conscious of it or not, Unhealed Trauma wreaks havoc in your life and sabotages your results in health, business, and relationships. When we master our emotional triggers, we are liberated to live, love, and lead from harmony, alignment, and joy. 

for leaders & conscious couples


shows up as...







Fatigue & Burnout


Substance Use Disorder

Chronic Pain

GI Dysfunction




Chronic Rage

It is time to reclaim your agency from old wounds that sabotage your life. 

Nervous System Fitness® Coach, Psychedelic Guide, and Wisdom Keeper

I'm Anahita



I guide Leaders & Conscious Couples to heal and align their body, mind, heart, and spirit to work in harmony with their vision, mission, and legacy. Together we’ll amplify your impact and joy while achieving sustainable vitality, fulfillment, and freedom.

Are you living, loving, and leading from love or wounding?

Are your emotional responses nurturing or sabotaging your results?

Are your body, mind, and heart in harmonious collaboration or conflict?

so here's a question...

Regulated, resourced,
and resilient 

Sovereign, focused, and clear

Open, compassionate,
and courageous

Aligned Body

Aligned Heart

Aligned Mind

An Impactful Life

starts with inner alignment & harmony



Grow your competitive edge and succeed in a rapidly changing world, by breaking your emotional glass ceiling and mastering resilient leadership. 

Cultivate deep relational safety and soul-nourishing love in your intimate partnership. 

Effectively navigate leadership challenges with competence, wisdom, and grace. 

Turn every conflict into an opportunity to strengthen your relationship.

Heal and harmonize your body, mind, and spirit in service to your mission.

Maximize your impact by learning the alchemy of joyful, aligned co-creation with the universe.

Explore the ultimate expression of love through devotion to your and your partner's nervous system.

Heal attachment wounds and explore the blissful experience of secure loving. 


wisdom & magic


My Signature Nervous System Fitness® System combines multiple cutting-edge integrative modalities to craft a personalized experience for each client's unique needs. This one-of-a-kind integrative approach brings harmony and alignment to healing and growth. My multidisciplinary process includes:

• Integrative Neuroscience
• Biodata-Driven Personalized Medicine
• Cutting Edge Bioenergetics
• Somatic Trauma Therapy Modalities
• Integrative Tools and Practices

• Psychedelic Microdosing
• PolyVagal Training
• MDMA-Assisted Therapy
• Rituals and Retreats
• Guided Psychedelic Experiences


Unresolved trauma and outdated value systems actively sabotage your results. Together we dismantle dysfunction, heal, and calibrate your body, mind, and heart for optimal outcomes. 


When you align your every word, deed, and thought in harmony with your goals and purpose, and in alignment with love, you unlock the alchemy of easeful and joyful co-creation with the universe.


Whole Human

The parts you deny, hide, judge, and banish hold the keys to your greatest joy and impact. Together we recall, reintegrate, and restore ALL of you as a wholly embodied leader and lover. 



“Before working with Anahita I felt trapped, like my spirit and my human couldn't co-exist and that they are always in a battle with no possible win for either.

During the process of working together from the beginning, she made me feel comfortable and safe being vulnerable, honest, and myself in all versions which allowed me to calm down and get out of my own way and do this work authentically.

Her work is a true embodiment of who she is and observing her ways of resetting my chaos is a true gift.

– Wendy Yates
Chief Visionary Officer at BridgeLine 

Our work together is not only helping me integrate my vision and purpose into action in my personal and business life but helping me to understand and unlock resources within to externalize my life's mission as a light for others so that I can exponentiate my purpose and create the impact that is on my heart, which is priceless.

I would still be spinning in the same circle, and getting caught in my own trap without Anahita's intuitive, genuine, calm, and intelligent approach.

I consider her not only an invaluable guide but a trusted ally that I now could not imagine doing life without.”

“Over the past decade, my body has continually signaled, from head to toe, that the high-stress, high-variability world of commodities trading, combined with the uneasy pressure of solopreneurship, was accelerating my physical and mental health toward a dangerous breaking point.

Facing a plethora of symptoms, I have worked with countless traditional medical specialists, numerous therapists, homeopaths, trainers, yogis, and fitness coaches, and tried every flavor of *alternative healing*.

Everything I tried had little lasting effect, felt siloed, and did not resonate in a meaningful way.

– Roderick Casilli
CEO, Ciredor Capital

Anahita’s practice and methods integrating supplementation, plant medicine, breath work, movement, meditation, real time monitoring (Oura), and mindset have provided (“resourced”) me with an unparalleled combination of complementary treatments and techniques. 

I continually find that I experience the session that I need, for the moment and day, and that I learn something new and profound during every interaction.

Her connections within the wellness, plant medicine, and healing community have also provided me access to an instantly trustworthy extended network.”

"Surviving life-threatening cancer, divorce and career adjustment created a lot of trauma/anxiety within me. I was referred to Anahita through a friend and to say that interaction helped save my life is not me being hyperbolic. Anahita developed a program to specifically address my issues and the results have been truly wonderful. I now have a platform of skills, and resources that help keep me balanced, living within the moment (knowing we all struggle at times), and enjoying life. I'm beyond grateful.”

– David Kaplan
Biotech Executive

“I was introduced to Anahita via a community of Founders, Entrepreneurs, and investors. I was extremely intrigued by her body of work and signed up for 1:1 coaching sessions. It was one of the best decisions I have made to support my mental and physical well-being. Based on her experience working with other founders and Entrepreneurs, she knows the pressures we have on a day-to-day basis along with the pressure we are constantly putting on ourselves to keep excelling and working harder.

I have been working with Anahita for the past 9 months and it has been amazing to observe how calm my nervous system feels and how much better equipped I feel to handle day-to-day and long-term challenges in running my business and on a personal front. 

–  F.H.
Founder & CEO at Aerospace Company

She creates a beautiful container that is grounded in loving care, science-based practices that support mental and physical well-being, and the understanding that our bodies and intuition can truly be our best allies as we dream big, build powerful organizations and solve massive challenges that our planet and societies are facing.

I have learned to trust my body, to listen to subtle messages that my body communicates to get me better aligned, trust my own breath to calm my nervous system, and build healthy practices
Anahita has helped me strengthen, my mind, body, and spirit by helping me navigate practices across various modalities, including but not limited to somatic healing, TRE/shaking, polyvagal theory, breath-work, and guidance on natural supplements for the body and mind.”

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